Llamado de Artículos

El CLCA tiene como objetivo principal reunir a la comunidad científica latina que trabaja en control automático y áreas afines y es el mayor encuentro de expertos en donde se presentan contribuciones recientes, tendencias actuales, nuevos desafíos y oportunidades de las herramientas que enmarcan la teoría del control, la automatización y áreas afines. Es además una excelente oportunidad para establecer contacto personal e interactuar con importantes investigadores latinoamericanos. El evento dispondrá de Workshops 22 y 23 de octubre. Y la conferencia del 24 al 26 de Octubre del 2018, en la Escuela Politécnica Nacional en Quito - Ecuador.


  • Los papers serán incluidos en las memorias de la conferencia que cuenta con ISBN.

  • Los mejores artículos científicos (papers) en INGLÉS serán incluidos en la revista Maskay que se encuentra indexada en SciELO y Latindex, y en las revistas Visus y Enfoque.

  • Las áreas de investigación de CLCA 2018 son:
    • Control de procesos
    • Sistemas eléctricos de potencia
    • Sistemas de control
    • Mecatrónica
    • Robótica
    • Educación para la ingeniería

    Presentación de Artículos:

    Los artículos (papers) puede ser escritos en inglés o español*, y están limitados a un máximo de 6 páginas (en formato estándar IFAC conferencia de doble columna), incluyendo figuras, tablas y referencias. Además se hace la invitación de enviar contenido adicional como videos o fotografías de alta calidad que sirvan para presentar los resultados obtenidos.

    Las especificaciones completas se encuentran en el siguiente enlace: Guía de Autor

         Diseño y Estilo del Artículo (English)

    Paper length and file size

    The length of regular papers is limited to 6 pages. All the rules are on this web site: Authors Guide. PDF files will be limited to 2 MB in size.

    Page size and margins

    • A4 paper (210 × 297 mm)
    • Margins:
      • First page: top 35 mm, bottom 25 mm, left/right 15 mm.
      • Other pages: top 25 mm, bottom 25 mm, left/right 15 mm.
    • Main text is two columns, with a 5 mm gap between columns.
    • No headers, footers, or page numbers.

    Title page

    The title page must contain the following items, centred on the page with a left and right margin of 30 mm (i.e. a maximum width of 150 mm):

    • Title, with a maximum of 10 words, 14 pt Times boldface.
    • Author names, 10 pt Times boldface.
    • Author affiliations, 10 pt Times italic.
    • An abstract with 50–100 words.
    • A list of 5–10 keywords, preferably taken from the official IFAC keyword list.

    The abstract and keywords should be separated from the previous and following text by a pair of full width (150 mm) horizontal lines and an 8 pt vertical space.
    The rest of the title page is body text, formatted in two columns as detailed below.

    Text format

    • Times Roman 10 pt, or equivalent font, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
    • All paragraphs must be justified, if possible.
    • Single line spacing.
    • The first line of a paragraph should not be indented.
    • 8 pt additional vertical space between paragraphs.
    • Avoid hyphenation at the end of a line.

    Section headings

    • Section headings must be centred, in capital letters, and numbered consecutively, starting with 1.
    • Sub-section headings should be in capital and lower-case italic letters, numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc, and left justified, with second and subsequent lines indented.


    • All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
    • Headings should be placed above tables, underlined and centred.
    • Leave one line space between the heading and the table.


    • All photographs, schemas, graphs and diagrams are to be referred to as figures.
    • Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined either in the caption or in a legend provided as part of the figure.
    • Figures should be placed at the top or bottom of a column wherever possible, as close as possible to the first reference to them in the paper.
    • Figures should be restricted to single-column width unless this would make them illegible.
    • The figure number and caption should be typed below the illustration, left justified, with subsequent lines indented.


    • Equations should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
    • SI units should be used for physical magnitudes. All non-standard abbreviations or symbols must be defined when first mentioned, or a glossary provided.


    • In the text the surname of the author and the year of publication of the reference should be given.
    • Two or more references by the same authors published in the same year should be differentiated by letters a,b,c etc.
    • For references with more than two authors, text citations should be shortened to the first name followed by et al.
    • Only essential references, which are directly referred to in the text, should be included in the reference list.
    • References must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. References to the same author(s) should be in chronological order.
    • Journal references should include:
      • author’s surname and initials;
      • initials and surnames of remaining authors;
      • year of publication (in brackets);
      • article title (where provided);
      • abbreviated journal title (in italics);
      • volume number and page numbers.
    • References to books should include:
      • author’s surname and initials;
      • initials and surnames of remaining authors;
      • year of publication (in brackets);
      • book title (in italics);
      • name of the publisher and place of publication.
    • References to multi-author works should include after the year of publication:
      • chapter title (where provided);
      • "In:" followed by book title (in italics);
      • initials and name(s) of editors(s) in brackets;
      • volume number and pages;
      • name of the publisher and place of publication.

    Para enviar su artículo siga el siguiente enlace: Envío de Artículo


    Costos Workshops:

    Costos Adicionales:

    Nota: Los precios no consideran gastos administrativos por pagos internacionales.

    Todos los autores tiene que realizar la confirmación de pago hasta el 30 de septiembre.